Sunday, October 11, 2009

Better Late...

So, I fell a little bit behind on posting, but I have been documenting everyday.  It turned into winter this weekend.  Saturday morning it was a white winter wonderland.  Bessie was so excited about winter that she told fall to fuck off by eating my decoratively placed pumpkin.  Ate that festive accent piece right down to the seeds.  What a whore.  Tonight she is relegated to the bathroom for sleeping because I don't want to clean pumpkin barf off the carpet--no carpet in the bathroom.  

Tuesday was a grading night, so Wednesday's apparel was comfy.

Thursday was inspired by too much gym time with a Lucky magazine.  All about the blazer this fall!  I look kinda preggers in this pic.  Oh well.

Went to a movie on Thursday night, which somehow left me little time to dry my hair even though I was home by 9.  Maybe should've just gone out for drinks with Julian and Pete since I looked hungover on Friday anyhow!  All black because I had a tour to lead at the MCA on Friday afterwork.

Now, what to wear this week...

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