Monday, October 26, 2009

Spirit Week

Rah rah, go Skyview...or something.  I enjoy spirit week, but not so much for the spirit part but because I can get away with wearing jeans on multiple days.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all about supporting our kids in their after school endeavors, but I work at an art school.  Not to draw stereotypes, but I'm gonna draw stereotypes--the art freaks and band geeks generally do not overlap as one in the same with the jocks and I will take the freaks and geeks ANY DAY!  If there is a all-district paint off in the near future, I have no doubt that my moody hormonal goth girls and my angsty emo males would kick serious ass.  Until that happens, here is what I wore for regular spirit week.  rah rah.

Monday (It was twin day, but I didn't know that):

Tuesday (Crazy hair way to work jeans into crazy hair, so I passed)

Wednesday (Super Hero Day):

Thursday (Retro Day.  James Dean better watch himself, once I get a motorcycle I'll give him a run for his title)

Friday (Color Day--Black and White!)

Homecoming ended with a Class of 2008 reunion at the trampoline playhouse near school.  A fortress of bouncy fun some might say.  Or a death trap.  I got bounces so hard onto my back that it cracked like I ain't ever heard and I couldn't even move!!!  So, what's a girl to do?  Bad back and 18 personal days?  3 day weekend, bitches.  No picture for monday cause I spend most of the day wearing a white stretchy heating belt to deal with the pain.  Halloween awesomeness to come!

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