Monday, October 26, 2009

Spirit Week

Rah rah, go Skyview...or something.  I enjoy spirit week, but not so much for the spirit part but because I can get away with wearing jeans on multiple days.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all about supporting our kids in their after school endeavors, but I work at an art school.  Not to draw stereotypes, but I'm gonna draw stereotypes--the art freaks and band geeks generally do not overlap as one in the same with the jocks and I will take the freaks and geeks ANY DAY!  If there is a all-district paint off in the near future, I have no doubt that my moody hormonal goth girls and my angsty emo males would kick serious ass.  Until that happens, here is what I wore for regular spirit week.  rah rah.

Monday (It was twin day, but I didn't know that):

Tuesday (Crazy hair way to work jeans into crazy hair, so I passed)

Wednesday (Super Hero Day):

Thursday (Retro Day.  James Dean better watch himself, once I get a motorcycle I'll give him a run for his title)

Friday (Color Day--Black and White!)

Homecoming ended with a Class of 2008 reunion at the trampoline playhouse near school.  A fortress of bouncy fun some might say.  Or a death trap.  I got bounces so hard onto my back that it cracked like I ain't ever heard and I couldn't even move!!!  So, what's a girl to do?  Bad back and 18 personal days?  3 day weekend, bitches.  No picture for monday cause I spend most of the day wearing a white stretchy heating belt to deal with the pain.  Halloween awesomeness to come!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Past Week in Outfits

Minus Thursday!  I forgot to take a picture when I got home on Thursday afternoon, but it was a pretty boring outfit because I was dressed appropriately for handstands.  Yes, handstands.  My Crew class has declared Thursday to be Handstand Thursday.  Actually, I declared it and they followed because they have to because I'm the teacher.  It was really more like "body inversion" Thursday if we were to get nit-picky.  For some reason not all of my students are willing to thrust their bodies head first into the ground on a wrestling mat with hopes that their arms will catch them.  I don't know why.  What pussies.




Thursday:  For the sake of the deal, I will note that I wore my blue MJ trousers with a a white shirt layered over a white tank all tucked in.  Over that I was wearing my purple J.Crew cardigan which is also pictured below in my teacher work day outfit.  Additionally, green Chucks and my multicolored belt leftover from my Halloween costume as Terri Irwin.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Better Late...

So, I fell a little bit behind on posting, but I have been documenting everyday.  It turned into winter this weekend.  Saturday morning it was a white winter wonderland.  Bessie was so excited about winter that she told fall to fuck off by eating my decoratively placed pumpkin.  Ate that festive accent piece right down to the seeds.  What a whore.  Tonight she is relegated to the bathroom for sleeping because I don't want to clean pumpkin barf off the carpet--no carpet in the bathroom.  

Tuesday was a grading night, so Wednesday's apparel was comfy.

Thursday was inspired by too much gym time with a Lucky magazine.  All about the blazer this fall!  I look kinda preggers in this pic.  Oh well.

Went to a movie on Thursday night, which somehow left me little time to dry my hair even though I was home by 9.  Maybe should've just gone out for drinks with Julian and Pete since I looked hungover on Friday anyhow!  All black because I had a tour to lead at the MCA on Friday afterwork.

Now, what to wear this week...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Beers and Grading

This combo is really the only way to go.  Any teacher who grades with coffee is wrong.  Nope, not an opinion, its fact.  Wine can be acceptable.  Heck, even a whiskey can be nice, but there is no coffee and tea when grading stacks of English papers.

Add a burger and you are doubly productive.



Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm In the Boat...

Or, at least I was in the Boat, but not the water floatin' kind.  Just back from a fantastic fall weekend in Steamboat Springs.  Probably the best part of living in Colorado is the ease of a weekend get away.  In less than three hours you are in a town that feels worlds away from home.  A town where I can where the same jeans on a 2 hour hike and out to the bars and nobody cares.  But these here were the clothes I wore to work on Friday:

Sadly, after 3 hours in the car I did not have the patience to capture the awesomeness of my belt that really pulls this whole ensemble together.  As is, a but boring, but it was Friday and a long week!

My weeks have felt full lately, but in a good way.  I've taken on a project to try and put together a winter hut trip for a few of my female students.  While its simple in theory, the actual practicality of funding this type of endeavor feels nearly impossible.  Grants are out there, but its overwhelming and slightly exhausting going through the leg work to get money.  I found a really excellent possibility today on the Title Nine website.  Fingers crossed I will be embarking on a two night back country adventure with some angsty teenage girls this February!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Yesterday I finally figured out how to wear the little black balloon skirt my Momma brought me from Top Shop.  Top Shop is the best place EVER.

Meanwhile, I had a super adorable outfit all picked out for today, but it involved a very flimsy floras skirt and as I walked out with Bessie Dogg this morning I realized two things 1) it was frigid with huge gusting winds and 2) my crew had a serious dodgeball match first thing and there was no way they were taking the W without my full effort as a stealth ninja ball dodger which could not happen in my heels.  Alas, I ran back in the house and put this on instead:

oh yeah, we won our dodgeball match.